Monets Passion 2025 Mini Wall Calendar

By Pomegranate
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Item # 202500008797

At his Giverny home outside Paris, Claude Monet indulged in his two favorite pastimes: painting and gardening. His translation of dazzling blooms and graceful greeneries to his canvases made him the master of French Impressionism. Photographer and horticultural designer Elizabeth Murray was a part of the team that helped restore the gardens to their full glory in the 1980s. Her firsthand knowledge of the grounds illuminates the 12 vivid photographs and their accompanying descriptions in this calendar.
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Item: 202500008797
At his Giverny home outside Paris, Claude Monet indulged in his two favorite pastimes: painting and gardening. His translation of dazzling blooms and graceful greeneries to his canvases made him the master of French Impressionism. Photographer and horticultural designer Elizabeth Murray was a part of the team that helped restore the gardens to their full glory in the 1980s. Her firsthand knowledge of the grounds illuminates the 12 vivid photographs and their accompanying descriptions in this calendar.
  • ID: 202500008797
  • Edition ID:
  • By: Pomegranate
  • Format: Mini Wall
  • Binding: Cross Stich
  • UPC: