Everyday Gratitude A Magnetic 2024 Wall Calendar

By Workman Publishing
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Item # 202400008456

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Find gratitude in the small things, all year long.?It?s the compact, magnetic calendar?perfect for the cubicle, fridge, or inside a locker?that?s a reminder to be grateful for reasons big and small. Based on the book Everyday Gratitude by A Network for Grateful Living, each month features uplifting art, inspiring quotes, plus prompts to help you actively incorporate gratitude into your daily life. Quotes like: ?A miracle is not defined by an event. A miracle is defined by gratitude.??Kate Baestrup. And prompts: What miracle is waiting for me, just on the other side of my ability to be grateful? Also included are gratitude practices: ?Notice how quirks and idiosyncrasies make others?and us?more interesting. . . . Notice beauty peeking through the cracks.? Plus, the uncoated stock and padded format make staying organized delightfully simple. Printed on uncoated, responsibly sourced paper.
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Item: 202400008456
Find gratitude in the small things, all year long.?It?s the compact, magnetic calendar?perfect for the cubicle, fridge, or inside a locker?that?s a reminder to be grateful for reasons big and small. Based on the book Everyday Gratitude by A Network for Grateful Living, each month features uplifting art, inspiring quotes, plus prompts to help you actively incorporate gratitude into your daily life. Quotes like: ?A miracle is not defined by an event. A miracle is defined by gratitude.??Kate Baestrup. And prompts: What miracle is waiting for me, just on the other side of my ability to be grateful? Also included are gratitude practices: ?Notice how quirks and idiosyncrasies make others?and us?more interesting. . . . Notice beauty peeking through the cracks.? Plus, the uncoated stock and padded format make staying organized delightfully simple. Printed on uncoated, responsibly sourced paper.
  • ID: 202400008456
  • Edition ID:
  • By: Workman Publishing
  • Format: Wall
  • Size Closed: 8.25 x 9.5
  • Size Open: 8.25 x 9.5
  • Grid Size: Large
  • Binding: Adhesive
  • Time Span: 12 Month
  • Features: Magnetic
  • UPC: 9781523519729