You can reset your lost or forgotten password by visiting our Forgot Password page and following the instructions below:

  • Enter your email address (use the email address associated with your account) and click Send Email. Please allow up to 10 minutes for delivery and check your spam/junk folder if not in your inbox.
  • Open the email and click the link included in the first line of the email.
  • Enter a new password and confirm the password then click 'Submit'
  • You will then be directed to the Log In page where you will enter your email address and your new password. Then you can shop for some awesome calendars!

How do I update my password?

You can change your login, email address, and password from the My Account section of the website. Please note that all of your email subscriptions and order confirmations will be sent to the email address associated with your order.

  • Password must be between 6 and 25 characters long
  • Passwords are case sensitive
  • Passwords must contain at least one alpha and one numeric character
  • Passwords can contain special characters including spaces
  • Example: p@ssw0rd%

I requested my password be emailed to me, but I never received it.

Some internet service providers, such as AOL & Yahoo, have very powerful spam-blocking tools that may block our automated emails. Please check your spam blocker settings. This issue can usually be resolved by adjusting your settings to allow emails from